In the first decision task you make a sequence of consumption and savings decisions over the "retirement phase" of a lifecycle.
This sequence consists of 40 "periods", corresponding to each year of a retirement lifetime from age 62 to age 101.
Whether you continue to "survive" and make decisions from one period to the next depends on a pre-drawn random whole number between 1 and 100 (both inclusive),
where each of the 100 numbers had an equal chance of being drawn.
If the random number is strictly greater than the period specific survival cutoff, then you "die" and your earnings for the sequence are determined by your current,
cumulative earnings over the lifecycle up to the period in the retirement phase when you die.
Any remaining savings balances that you have as of that period will become worthless.
The survival cutoffs are displayed in the Table below.
For instance, the cutoff for period 1 (age 62) is 96.
This means that, if the random number drawn for period 1 is 97, 98, 99, or 100,
then the sequence is over and your earnings for the sequence are determined by the amount of consumption you chose for the period 1 only.
All future decisions do not affect your payment for the current sequence.
If the random number drawn for period 1 (age 62) is between 1 and 96 (both inclusive),
then you "survive" to the second period and your savings from period 1 carry over to that next period.
Similarly, a cutoff of 92 for period 20 means that, conditional on living to period 20,
if the random number for period 20 is either 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, or 100,
then period 20 is the last period that you would accumulate payments for consumption choices in the sequence and all future decisions do not affect your payment for the sequence.
The results of all draws will be revealed to you only at the end of the sequence.
This means that you will not know whether the sequence has ended until after you have completed all 40 periods of the sequence.
Note: that the "Expected periods remaining" is based on the cutoff numbers and includes the current period, which has a survival probability of 1.
The displayed cutoff numbers reflect both real life mortality risk and intertemporal discounting of amounts received in the future.
A link to this table and
a link to a graphical representation
of this table will appear on your decision screen.